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“My passion is helping others understand and apply the Scriptures through the Big Idea concept and preaching outlines of each book.”

— Paul Apple

The Content on this site includes:

Textual outlines and pdf commentaries — on every OT and NT book accessed below on the Home page by a Summary Page for each book including:

– Overview / Big Idea / Basic Outline / Why Study the Book / Notable Quotes

Gospel Introduction material – various gospel presentations and helpful booklets to explain the overall Christian message and answer questions about the Bible’s veracity

Topical Studies — that cover a broader scope of systematic theology rather than focusing on just one primary text

– Includes a tutorial on preparing sermon outlines

Audio Sermons – mainly various sermon series I preached to cover specific Bible books

Blogs – a comprehensive Archive listing by date posted (includes the individual studies that have been compiled into the overall pdf book commentaries above to make the material searchable) as well as sorted by Categories (displaying the most recent 30 blogs in each area) — The full pdf commentaries would include some application questions and some additional notes from other commentators. Use the Bookmarks feature under the View tab to access the Table of Contents for each book.

Links to internet sites — that will be of interest in a variety of areas


Search Capability:

– Accessed at the top or bottom of each page
– Enter key words to pull up any associated references and key words or topics throughout the whole site — Very helpful