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Job 28:1-28  —  Where Shall Wisdom Be Found?

Job 28:1-28 — Where Shall Wisdom Be Found?

BIG IDEA: WISDOM CAN ONLY BE FOUND IN COMMUNION WITH GOD BY DIVINE REVELATION AS WE FEAR HIM AND TURN AWAY FROM EVIL INTRODUCTION: David Atkinson: Job 28 is about Wisdom, human and divine. Many commentators regard this chapter as an addition to the flow of the text....
Job 20:1-29  — The Portion of the Wicked Man

Job 20:1-29 — The Portion of the Wicked Man

BIG IDEA: THE HORRIBLE FATE OF THE WICKED, WHILE TRUE, BEARS NO APPLICATION TO THE RIGHTEOUS IN THEIR SUFFERINGINTRODUCTION:Tremper Longman: Zophar concludes the second cycle of the friends’ arguments with his second speech of the debate. He is offended at what he...
Job 19:1-29  — Judgment is Coming

Job 19:1-29 — Judgment is Coming

BIG IDEA: CERTAINTY OF FINAL VINDICATION EASES THE PAIN OF PRESENT REJECTION AND PUTS FALSE ACCUSERS IN ULTIMATE JEOPARDYINTRODUCTION:Francis Andersen: In this speech Job’s audacious faith reaches its climax in the famous words, I know that my Redeemer lives (verse...