I have quoted extensively from the contributors to this site. They rely on a small number of key contributors (many with an exegetical background from Dallas Theological Seminary). They provide free access on the Internet to over 20,000 articles which represent the finest, most trustworthy biblical truths and materials from Pastors and Scholars around the world. They have published an online modern Bible translation (NET BIBLE) which they make available for free. They are actively pursuing the translation of some of their studies – which is an area I would like to pursue as well. They also feature an extensive database of sermon illustrations.
Great site for book summaries, notes on each phrase as you work through a text, Treasury of Scripture cross references, all types of concordance and word study tools, etc.
Blue Letter Bible provides powerful tools for an in-depth study of God’s Word through their free online reference library, with study tools that are grounded in the historical, conservative Christian faith. Part of their extensive site includes some of the older commentators with text versions of their messages indexed by book of the Bible.
Artificial intelligence site where you can request a Big Idea statement or an exegetical sermon outline on a passage from an evangelical, Calvinistic perspective, etc.
CYBER CHAPEL — Van Parunak maintains this site; some excellent Bible study and sermon material from a like-minded friend (another Princeton University graduate) who has remained faithful to the biblical church governing structure of plurality of elders; He is especially gifted in Hebrew exegesis.
I have had the privilege of working with David over a number of years on a range of projects. He has done the best job of collecting sermon illustrations, organizing and indexing them and making them available over the web. Check out this page above for his annotated insights on about 40 different sites that offer sermon illustrations. His main page is: http://www.holwick.com/
I have the utmost respect for Dr. Piper’s extensive body of work. He comes from a Reformed Baptist perspective and is very helpful and insightful. He studied under Dr. Daniel Fuller at Fuller Theological Seminary and credits a lot of influence to the writings of Jonathan Edwards.
The mission of Desiring God: “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. We do this mainly through distributing God-centered resources from Pastor John Piper. These God-centered resources include items such as books, audio sermons, online articles, online sermons, and children’s Sunday School curriculum. We are located in Minneapolis, MN.”
John and Janine Schultz have spent 37 fruitful years in Irian Jaya. The students who have attended their classes through the years, who are now pastors and church leaders throughout Irian, deeply respect them as spiritual mentors. John’s unique sense of humor and amazing facility in many languages have made him a popular preacher. He has spent a lifetime compiling free pdf bible commentaries on every book of the bible — very similar approach to bibleoutlines.com.
A wide range of resources for the serious seminary student to aid in preparation in every discipline of ministry.
The NET Bible strikes a delicate translation balance between being accurate to the original biblical texts and understandable to the modern English reader. Includes over 60,000 translators’ notes to help explain the text.
This site features the sermon archives from decades of faithful expository preaching on a book by book basis. The contributors include Ray Stedman, Doug Goins, Steve Zeisler, Scott Grant and Ron Ritchie. I have gathered much helpful material from their studies. Their church historically was one of the ground-breaking models for the practice of NT plurality of elder leadership.
Library of nonfiction research books that cross all fields. This is a subscription based site. I use it every day for cutting and pasting from a wide range of commentaries as I work through a book of the Bible. The site is very easy to use and has a great look and feel. Well worth the investment if you want to quote from a large number of sources.
Bruce Hurt has developed the best portal for links to onsite resources for studying any book of the bible. In addition, he continues to add his own detailed commentary insights. Pick the Bible book you want to study and then view a list of related links to internet resources; very helpful and usually a starting point for me for online commentaries on a passage. He has been a loyal supporter of my ministry — providing widespread visibility for my commentaries by featuring them on his site.
PURITAN LIBRARY – online resources and books from the classic Puritans
SERMON AUDIO.COM – Best site for a collection of Calvinistic oriented audio sermons. I especially like selections from my beloved professor Dr. John Whitcomb, Pastor Gil Rugh and from across the pond, the delightful accent of David Silversides.
This site was originally developed by John Kapteyn, a Presbyterian pastor from Canada (and a pioneer in online Christian resources) who had the vision to see the value in sharing such resources. He was gracious to host my initial Biblekey Visual Basic software program (and associated databases of sermons) and I helped him build up the content of his initial online site. The group that has since bought him out has invested the resources to develop this into the leading sermon website in the world. My only caution is that you have to sift through a wide range of not very helpful sermons to find the contributors that you value and find worth your time. Quantity does not always make for Quality or Efficiency.
Extensive list of different commentaries as well as Bible concordances, dictionaries and encyclopedias. Sermon illustration and quotation archives; interlinear bible; many other helpful tools.
Free downloadable pdf versions of the best of the Puritan writings.
Dr. John Whitcomb went home to be with the Lord Feb. 5, 2020 at the age of 95. He was a faithful man of God who ministered with conviction and integrity. He was saved through the ministry of Dr. Donald Fullerton of the Princeton Evangelical Fellowship. My wife and I were first introduced to his teaching ministry when he would come back to the Princeton University campus for special conferences. He became a dear friend who looked out for me in his role of professor at Grace Theological Seminary. His special areas of focus included pioneering work in Creationism (co-author of The Early Earth), studies in eschatology and current church movements, and especially the way in which he could make the OT narratives come alive. He was a gentle and gracious soul despite his firm stands on many controversial subjects — with an uncanny wit and sense of humor. You can listen to many of his messages on sermonaudio.org.