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2 Corinthians 1:12-14  — Integrity in Ministry

2 Corinthians 1:12-14 — Integrity in Ministry

BIG IDEA: INTEGRITY IN MINISTRY LEADS TO THE TESTIMONY OF A CLEAR CONSCIENCE INTRODUCTION: Key passage in Paul’s defense against attacks on his integrity as a minister of the Gospel. John MacArthur: Paul wrote 2 Corinthians to defend himself against the assaults of...
2 Corinthians 1:1-11  — Sufficiency of God’s Comfort

2 Corinthians 1:1-11 — Sufficiency of God’s Comfort

BIG IDEA: THE SUFFICIENCY OF GOD’S COMFORT IN OUR OWN DESPERATE TRIALS EQUIPS US TO COMFORT OTHERS IN THEIR TRIALS INTRODUCTION: John MacArthur: Trouble is an inescapable reality in this fallen, evil world. Eliphaz, one of Job’s would-be counselors, declared, “Man is...
Act 27:1-44  — Deliverance Through Shipwreck

Act 27:1-44 — Deliverance Through Shipwreck

BIG IDEA: FAITH IN GOD’S PROVIDENCE CAN SPILL OVER TO IMPACT UNBELIEVERS AROUND USINTRODUCTION:Raging storms and fearful shipwrecks are common metaphors for the difficult times that we can experience in life. What is our demeanor during these crisis moments? What type...
Acts 24:1-27  — You Can’t Handle the Truth

Acts 24:1-27 — You Can’t Handle the Truth

BIG IDEA: GOSPEL PROCRASTINATION RESISTS ALL TESTIMONY TO GOD’S TRUTHINTRODUCTION:How ironic that the courts of human justice so often resist the testimony to God’s truth and thereby serve as a venue to subvert justice. This is exactly what we see happening as Paul’s...
Acts 21:1-40  — Facing Danger at Jerusalem

Acts 21:1-40 — Facing Danger at Jerusalem

BIG IDEA: FOLLOWING JESUS INTO THE FRONT LINES OF SPIRITUAL WARFARE CAN BE EXTREMELY DANGEROUSINTRODUCTION:Sometimes danger cannot be avoided. We all have a strong drive towards self-preservation; but when it comes to the gospel ministry, our loyalty to following...
Acts 20:24  — Why the Solemn Tone?

Acts 20:24 — Why the Solemn Tone?

BIG IDEA: THE GOSPEL MINISTRY IS SERIOUS BUSINESS INTRODUCTION:In Paul’s farewell speech to the Ephesian elders, you might expect him to strike a joyful, triumphant – even exuberant tone as he anticipates the closure of his ministry. Instead he sums up his pastoral...
Acts 19:21-41  — Quieting Opposition to Christianity

Acts 19:21-41 — Quieting Opposition to Christianity

BIG IDEA: OPPOSITION TO CHRISTIANITY STRUGGLES TO FIND ANY LEGITIMATE AVENUE OF ATTACKINTRODUCTION:What must it be like to be in the midst of a riot?? Especially when the frenzy of the crowd is directed against you? Paul’s traveling companions in Ephesus found...
Acts 18:24-28  — The Ideal Preacher

Acts 18:24-28 — The Ideal Preacher

BIG IDEA: THE DEVELOPMENT OF YOUR GIFTEDNESS AND DOCTRINAL UNDERSTANDING CONTRIBUTES TO A MORE EFFECTIVE MINISTRYINTRODUCTION:In the last 5 verses of Acts 18, we get introduced to a very special preacher. We see the beginning of the ministry of Apollos in Ephesus. His...