by Paul Apple | Apr 11, 2020 | Bible-NT
BIG IDEA: A CHANGE OF PLANS DOES NOT NECESSARILY COMPROMISE ONE’S SINCERITY AND COMMITMENT INTRODUCTION: Charles Swindoll: Because of the turmoil in Corinth caused by the schisms, insubordination, and tolerance of immorality, Paul had written 1 Corinthians....
by Paul Apple | Apr 11, 2020 | Bible-NT
BIG IDEA: INTEGRITY IN MINISTRY LEADS TO THE TESTIMONY OF A CLEAR CONSCIENCE INTRODUCTION: Key passage in Paul’s defense against attacks on his integrity as a minister of the Gospel. John MacArthur: Paul wrote 2 Corinthians to defend himself against the assaults of...
by Paul Apple | Apr 11, 2020 | Bible-NT
BIG IDEA: THE SUFFICIENCY OF GOD’S COMFORT IN OUR OWN DESPERATE TRIALS EQUIPS US TO COMFORT OTHERS IN THEIR TRIALS INTRODUCTION: John MacArthur: Trouble is an inescapable reality in this fallen, evil world. Eliphaz, one of Job’s would-be counselors, declared, “Man is...
by Paul Apple | Apr 10, 2020 | Bible-NT
BIG IDEA: GOD CONTINUES TO PROMOTE THE VICTORIOUS EXPANSION OF THE GOSPELINTRODUCTION:We arrive in Chapter 28 at the end of this marvelous book of the Acts of the Apostles. But while it brings to fruition the promise of gospel expansion set forth in Acts 1:8 “from...
by Paul Apple | Apr 10, 2020 | Bible-NT
BIG IDEA: FAITH IN GOD’S PROVIDENCE CAN SPILL OVER TO IMPACT UNBELIEVERS AROUND USINTRODUCTION:Raging storms and fearful shipwrecks are common metaphors for the difficult times that we can experience in life. What is our demeanor during these crisis moments? What type...
by Paul Apple | Apr 10, 2020 | Bible-NT
by Paul Apple | Apr 10, 2020 | Bible-NT
BIG IDEA: THE PROVIDENCE OF GOD NAVIGATES OUR LIFE THROUGH SURPRISING TWISTS AND TURNS TO ACCOMPLISH GOD’S KINGDOM PURPOSESINTRODUCTION:Why did God choose to include so much detail about the various trials involving the Apostle Paul? This forms a substantial portion...
by Paul Apple | Apr 10, 2020 | Bible-NT
BIG IDEA: GOSPEL PROCRASTINATION RESISTS ALL TESTIMONY TO GOD’S TRUTHINTRODUCTION:How ironic that the courts of human justice so often resist the testimony to God’s truth and thereby serve as a venue to subvert justice. This is exactly what we see happening as Paul’s...
by Paul Apple | Apr 10, 2020 | Bible-NT
BIG IDEA: PROVIDENTIAL DELIVERANCE ASSURES US OF GOD’S SOVEREIGN PLAN FOR OUR LIVES EVEN IN THE MIDST OF DESPERATE CIRCUMSTANCESINTRODUCTION:Paul had been told that he would experience much suffering in the course of his apostolic ministry and testimony for the Lord...
by Paul Apple | Apr 10, 2020 | Bible-NT
BIG IDEA: OUR PERSONAL TESTIMONY SHOULD DEMONSTRATE THAT OUR SALVATION AND MINISTRY DERIVE FROM GOD’S SOVEREIGN INITIATIVEINTRODUCTION:Paul took every opportunity to tell his story of how God had worked in his life to transform him from a zealous Jew who was actively...
by Paul Apple | Apr 10, 2020 | Bible-NT
BIG IDEA: FOLLOWING JESUS INTO THE FRONT LINES OF SPIRITUAL WARFARE CAN BE EXTREMELY DANGEROUSINTRODUCTION:Sometimes danger cannot be avoided. We all have a strong drive towards self-preservation; but when it comes to the gospel ministry, our loyalty to following...
by Paul Apple | Apr 10, 2020 | Bible-NT
BIG IDEA: PASTORAL MINISTRY MUST FOLLOW THE APOSTOLIC PATTERNPREFERENCE FOR SELF SUPPORT IN CHRISTIAN MINISTRY[Caveat: In certain circumstances]INTRODUCTION:The remaining chapters detail Paul’s journey to Jerusalem, the various trials which cause him to defend...
by Paul Apple | Apr 10, 2020 | Bible-NT
BIG IDEA: PASTORAL MINISTRY MUST FOLLOW THE APOSTOLIC PATTERNWATCH OUT FOR WOLVES!INTRODUCTION:I made a serious error last week when I introduced this series of messages on Paul’s final farewell address to the Ephesian elders gathered at Miletus. I told you this would...
by Paul Apple | Apr 10, 2020 | Bible-NT
BIG IDEA: THE GOSPEL MINISTRY IS SERIOUS BUSINESS INTRODUCTION:In Paul’s farewell speech to the Ephesian elders, you might expect him to strike a joyful, triumphant – even exuberant tone as he anticipates the closure of his ministry. Instead he sums up his pastoral...
by Paul Apple | Apr 10, 2020 | Bible-NT
BIG IDEA: PASTORAL MINISTRY MUST FOLLOW THE APOSTOLIC PATTERNINTRODUCTION:Bible conferences can be a special time for believers. I remember the privilege of taking in one of the Shepherds Conferences hosted by Dr John MacArthur out in California – a wonderful lineup...
by Paul Apple | Apr 10, 2020 | Bible-NT
BIG IDEA: YOU CAN’T SAY ENOUGH ABOUT THE MESSAGE OF THE GOSPEL WHICH FOCUSES ON THE POWER OF THE RESURRECTIONINTRODUCTION:You all remember the classic children’s nursery rhyme:Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.All the king’s horses and...
by Paul Apple | Apr 10, 2020 | Bible-NT
BIG IDEA: OPPOSITION TO CHRISTIANITY STRUGGLES TO FIND ANY LEGITIMATE AVENUE OF ATTACKINTRODUCTION:What must it be like to be in the midst of a riot?? Especially when the frenzy of the crowd is directed against you? Paul’s traveling companions in Ephesus found...
by Paul Apple | Apr 10, 2020 | Bible-NT
BIG IDEA: THE PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD OF THE LORD AND THE MAGNIFICATION OF THE NAME OF THE LORD PRODUCE POWERFUL RESULTSINTRODUCTION:We have been singing the Christmas carols and it sounds like the arrival of the infant is so sweet and tender and gentle. The angels...
by Paul Apple | Apr 10, 2020 | Bible-NT
BIG IDEA: CHRISTIAN BAPTISM SHOULD SYMBOLIZE BOTH OUR FAITH UNION WITH JESUS CHRIST AND OUR RECEPTION OF THE GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRITINTRODUCTION:There are numerous baptisms mentioned in God’s progressive revelation. Ceremonial purifications were common practice in...
by Paul Apple | Apr 10, 2020 | Bible-NT
BIG IDEA: THE DEVELOPMENT OF YOUR GIFTEDNESS AND DOCTRINAL UNDERSTANDING CONTRIBUTES TO A MORE EFFECTIVE MINISTRYINTRODUCTION:In the last 5 verses of Acts 18, we get introduced to a very special preacher. We see the beginning of the ministry of Apollos in Ephesus. His...