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Matthew 21:18-22  — Cursing of the Fruitless Fig Tree

Matthew 21:18-22 — Cursing of the Fruitless Fig Tree

BIG IDEA: JUDGMENT ON THE HYPOCRISY OF ISRAEL FORESHADOWED IN THE CURSING OF THE FRUITLESS FIG TREE INTRODUCTION: Jeffrey Crabtree: Commentators divide over the significance of this miracle. Hagner (33B:604) says this miracle can only be understood as anticipation of...
Matthew 21:1-17  — Cleansing Temple Corruption

Matthew 21:1-17 — Cleansing Temple Corruption

BIG IDEA: THE MESSIAH KING ASSERTS HIS AUTHORITY OVER THE TEMPLE IN ANTICIPATION OF IMPENDING JUDGMENT INTRODUCTION: Daniel Doriani: We call this episode “the cleansing of the temple” but that phrase understates the significance of Jesus’ action.  By taking such...
Matthew 20:29-34  — Restoring Sight to the Blind

Matthew 20:29-34 — Restoring Sight to the Blind

BIG IDEA: BLIND PEOPLE CAN HAVE THEIR SIGHT RESTORED BY CALLING UPON JESUS FOR HIS COMPASSIONATE MERCY INTRODUCTION: D. A. Carson: It reminds us that the one going up to Jerusalem to give his life as a ransom for many is the Messiah, the Son of David, whose great...
Matthew 20:20-28  — Squashing Selfish Ambition

Matthew 20:20-28 — Squashing Selfish Ambition

BIG IDEA: TRUE GREATNESS IN THE KINGDOM DERIVES FROM HUMBLE SERVICE AS MODELED BY JESUS, NOT THE SELFISH AMBITION OF THE WORLD INTRODUCTION: Donald Hagner: After the immediately preceding announcement of the suffering and death that await Jesus, the two disciples’...
Matthew 19:13-15  — Jesus Blesses the Little Children

Matthew 19:13-15 — Jesus Blesses the Little Children

BIG IDEA: JESUS WELCOMES LITTLE CHILDREN AND POINTS TO THEIR HUMILITY AND DEPENDENCE AS IDENTIFYING MARKS OF KINGDOM CITIZENS INTRODUCTION: Grant Osborne: The movement from husband-wife relations to children is a natural progression. Children here become a model for...
Matthew 19:1-12  — Permanency of Marriage

Matthew 19:1-12 — Permanency of Marriage

BIG IDEA: GOD DESIGNED MARRIAGE TO BE A PERMANENT ONE-FLESH DIVINE UNION BETWEEEN MAN AND WOMAN FOR LIFE INTRODUCTION: Orthodox Evangelical commentators have long been divided on their positions on this passage as it relates to the teaching of Jesus regarding the...