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The Presence of the Future — George Ladd

The Presence of the Future — George Ladd

In what sense is the kingdom of God present since His rule is active right now and in what sense does the kingdom of God await eschatological consummation?  George Ladd attempts to provide some clarity to key concepts related to the Kingdom of God.  He traces the OT...
The Measure Of A Man – Dr. Gene Getz

The Measure Of A Man – Dr. Gene Getz

[Originally posted 4/22/2005]This classic best seller from 25 years ago has been published in a video tape series which our church is presently using for small group studies. The basic outline and concept are easy to follow:He structures biblical commentary, thought...
Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ – John Piper

Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ – John Piper

The book title actually could be expanded to include Sharing Jesus Christ — as well as Seeing and Savoring. If someone truly sees who Jesus is with the eyes of their heart enlightened, they will savor Him and they will share Him with others. This short book of 13...
Pursuit Of Holiness – Jerry Bridges

Pursuit Of Holiness – Jerry Bridges

Holiness has fallen on hard times in some Christian circles. Some advocates of Easy Believism maintain that there is a disconnect between: Turning to Christ for forgiveness of sins and all of the goodies of salvationAcknowledging Christ as Lord who calls us to a path...
This Little Church Went To Market – Gary Gilley

This Little Church Went To Market – Gary Gilley

Gary Gilley does what many would consider to be very un-Christian: He names names and points the finger at those who are leading the market-driven church growth movement of today. But how else can one contend for the faith and warn the naãve and the undiscerning...
Living On The Ragged Edge – Chuck Swindoll

Living On The Ragged Edge – Chuck Swindoll

Continuing in my theme on Ecclesiastes, a book I would recommend for a variety of audiences would be Chuck Swindoll’s Living on the Ragged Edge – Finding Joy in a World Gone Mad. The author writes in a popular style but bases each chapter on the text of the Book of...
Your Best Life Now – Joel Osteen

Your Best Life Now – Joel Osteen

Why would someone be foolish enough to criticize the pastor of reportedly the largest church in the United States? Joel Osteen continues to grow in popularity, his messages are broadcast on TV, and now he has written a best seller Your Best Life Now. (Apparently the...
Eldership in Action – Richard Swartley

Eldership in Action – Richard Swartley

Richard Swartley has tackled some thorny issues in his practical companion manual to Alexander Strauch’s more exegetical study, Biblical Eldership. More and more churches are coming to theoretical agreement that the NT teaches a governance model of plurality of...
Reading the Bible Supernaturally — John Piper

Reading the Bible Supernaturally — John Piper

As I looked over my prior Book Review postings, it would seem like the only books I read are those by John Piper! That is not the case … but I guess something about each of them strikes me in a sense where I am sparked to post a comment. This is a book I just...
Finding the Will of God — by Bruce Waltke

Finding the Will of God — by Bruce Waltke

Waltke begins by debunking all of the spurious methods of divination that creep into a Christian’s methodology for decision making. He shows that much of our fuzzy thinking has more in common with practices of paganism than with a biblical orientation to trying to...