by Paul Apple | Mar 4, 2020 | Life
Maybe I’m from a different planet. I just don’t get all this coffee mania. But then I’ve never had more than a sip my whole life – never liked the taste. You can dress up coffee with whatever exotic flavor and fancy packaging and glitzy marketing you want — and I...
by Paul Apple | Mar 4, 2020 | Life
You remember the old Art Linkletter show – he made a living out of extracting cute and unexpected sayings from young kids. A friend of mine Steve Kirchner passed along a couple of funny snippets of how young children can put an interesting spin on a situation. The...
by Paul Apple | Mar 4, 2020 | Life
My kids can tell you how I love to mock the various “alert” notifications. As the warnings have multiplied from one arena to the next, it has just become more than one little human can bear. Any one category may be viewed as legitimate; but taken together the effect...
by Paul Apple | Mar 4, 2020 | Life
We are all familiar with Lay’s Potato Chips commercial refrain: “Betcha can’t eat just one.” I would like to turn that phrase around and examine the universal phenomena of why people refrain from eating the last one of anything. It never fails: you put your hand in...
by Paul Apple | Mar 4, 2020 | Life
[Paul Apple and will take a small “vacation” today and let Paul’s youngest daughter take the reins… ]There are so many types of commercials. There’s your boring run-of-the-mill commercials, your snazzy amusing commercials, and your “What in the world...
by Paul Apple | Mar 4, 2020 | Life
Don’t you find that we get so caught up in the minutia of life’s daily responsibilities that we fail to wrestle with the larger complexities of our existence? Probably just as well for most of us, since otherwise we end up daydreaming — proving to others that we are...
by Paul Apple | Mar 4, 2020 | Life
On one of our vacation trips to the great states of Montana and Wyoming, my wife and I have enjoyed nosing around several old ghost towns that portray life back in the gold boom days. We risked life and limb driving our rental car up a pot-holed, rocky, treacherous...
by Paul Apple | Mar 4, 2020 | Life
How have I gotten to this advanced stage of life while still being uncomfortable regarding proper sneeze etiquette? The traditional blase “God bless you” just sounds too much like a violation of using God’s name in vain. That probably sounds nit-picky to most of you…...
by Paul Apple | Mar 4, 2020 | Life
Life used to be so simple generations ago. What type of ice cream would you like? Simply choose between vanilla, chocolate or strawberry. Now we have the Baskin Robbins trend of 31 flavors . . . with new ones being introduced all the time. Their corporate site proudly...
by Paul Apple | Mar 4, 2020 | Life
Just having returned from my assembly line style haircut at the salon in the local strip mall, I must stop for a few minutes to reflect on the old neighborhood barbershop. Up until recently I only frequented local establishments that had the same type of home town...
by Paul Apple | Mar 4, 2020 | Life
The trend started with gas stations. If you have stopped in New Jersey lately I am sure you have appreciated being treated like royalty. The attendant actually comes out from behind the protection of the bulletproof booth and graciously fills your tank, washes your...
by Paul Apple | Mar 4, 2020 | Life
I’m lying in bed just starting to drift off for the night, when I hear my wife whisper, “Honey, do you think you could get me a glass of water?” Obviously, there is only one acceptable answer to your precious weaker vessel – and that is a full glass of ice water drawn...
by Paul Apple | Mar 4, 2020 | Life
[Originally posted Aug 24, 2004 — So we are close to the next 17 year cycle]Where have all cicadas gone, Long time passing; Where have all cicadas gone, Long time ago.I guess you would have to call this Day 73 P.C. (post cicadas) here in Catonsville, MD just on the...
by Paul Apple | Mar 4, 2020 | Life
If you are a serious devotee of Chinese food as I am, you probably are equally enamored with the meal’s distinctive light dessert – the Chinese fortune cookie. Not only is it pleasing to the palate and easy to make room for (no matter how much of the main meal one may...