Pet Peeve #13: Subscription Renewal Notices Arrive Months Early
Marketeers understand the value of money. They covet collecting your dollars early and enjoying the investment benefit for themselves. I find it annoying that...
Pet Peeve #12: Why Do Pro Athletes Make Lame Excuses?
The excuse that bugs me currently is: “That is a mistake I can learn from.” I am not so sure that is the case. Instead, it seems to me that if you have been playing...
Pet Peeve #11: Let’s Not Rock On Non-Rocking Chairs
My premise is quite simple: some chairs are designed to be rocking chairs… other chairs are not. I consider it a failure of my parenting duties that my children...
Pet Peeve #10: “Out of the Box” vs. “Outside of the Box”
I thought it was time for me to set the record straight on this important distinction that seems to get constantly muddled. In my marketing profession we are...
Pet Peeve #9: Pedestrians And Drivers Who Inch Out As Vehicles Approach
Our impatient society bugs me no end when either a pedestrian or another driver starts to inch out as I am driving by. Some people seem to delight in trying to time...
Pet Peeve #8: Income Tax Forgiveness TV Ads
As tax filing season approaches, you see more and more TV ads focusing on opportunities for tax forgiveness or remediation. Apparently if you owe the IRS enough...
Pet Peeve #7: Why Do Gasoline Prices Have To Keep Escalating?
One of my daughters touched a nerve with me when she noted that gasoline prices would soon far surpass the cost of a gallon of milk. It’s painful to watch all of...
Pet Peeve #6: Throwing More Money At Education Is Not The Answer – Sometimes Less Is More
It aggravates me when politicians and educators plead for the simplistic fix of throwing more money at their dilemma of how to fix the broken public educational...
Pet Peeve #5: Rottweilers Can Give Pets A Bad Name
Here I go alienating another segment of my reading public. How can Rottweilers be tolerated as pets when time after time you hear of horrific attacks? Where is the...
Pet Peeve #4: The Aggravation of the Misplaced Apostrophe
As a former English major, maybe I am more sensitive than most regarding certain aspects of spelling, syntax and grammar. I know that my kids react at times to the...
Pet Peeve #3: Why don’t the good guys finish off the bad guys when they get the chance?
Nothing ticks me off in a movie like the good guy neglecting to finish off the bad hombre when he has him down and out. How many times have you seen the supposedly...
Pet Peeve #2: Why do people insist on taking Christ out of Christmas?
Xmas has inexplicably become the accepted shorthand replacement for Christmas. Now that we are officially entering the season, someone needs to express outrage over...