by Paul Apple | Jun 1, 2022 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: THE OBSERVABLE PROSPERITY OF THE WICKED REFUTES THE RIGID APPLICATION OF THE DOCTRINE OF RETRIBUTIONINTRODUCTION:John Hartley: On this occasion Job addresses his remarks entirely to the friends. In the style of a wisdom disputation he challenges their...
by Paul Apple | May 31, 2022 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: THE HORRIBLE FATE OF THE WICKED, WHILE TRUE, BEARS NO APPLICATION TO THE RIGHTEOUS IN THEIR SUFFERINGINTRODUCTION:Tremper Longman: Zophar concludes the second cycle of the friends’ arguments with his second speech of the debate. He is offended at what he...
by Paul Apple | May 29, 2022 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: CERTAINTY OF FINAL VINDICATION EASES THE PAIN OF PRESENT REJECTION AND PUTS FALSE ACCUSERS IN ULTIMATE JEOPARDYINTRODUCTION:Francis Andersen: In this speech Job’s audacious faith reaches its climax in the famous words, I know that my Redeemer lives (verse...
by Paul Apple | May 27, 2022 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: THE DESTINY OF THE WICKED CANNOT BE THE DESTINY OF THE RIGHTEOUSINTRODUCTION:David Clines: The strophes may be outlined thus:2–4 (3 lines) address to Job5–7 (3 lines) the end of the wicked8–10 (3 lines) he is trapped11–14 (4 lines) he is brought to the...
by Paul Apple | May 26, 2022 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: DESPONDENCY SETS IN AS THE TIME FOR VINDICATION EVAPORATESINTRODUCTION:David Clines: The structure of this fifth speech of Job is not so clear as in other speeches. As often, the direction of address is a helpful clue to structure.We may then perhaps display...
by Paul Apple | May 25, 2022 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: THE REBUKE FOR IMPIETY ESCALATES TO A FULL-SCALE CHARACTERIZATION OF THE DEMISE OF THE WICKEDINTRODUCTION:Francis Andersen: As Job becomes more vehement, his friends become more severe. At first Eliphaz was gentle and courteous (4:2). Now his politeness...
by Paul Apple | May 23, 2022 | Bible-OT
by Paul Apple | May 21, 2022 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: WORTHLESS COUNSEL FAILS TO PLUMB THE DEPTHS OF THE WISDOM BEHIND GOD’S STRANGE WORKSINTRODUCTION:David Clines: The importance of this speech of Job, standing at the threshold between the first and second cycles, is marked by its length. It is the longest of...
by Paul Apple | May 20, 2022 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: SUFFERING MUST INDICATE SECRET SINS THAT DEMAND REPENTANCE BECAUSE GOD KNOWS ALL IN HIS SECRET WISDOMINTRODUCTION:David Clines: The three-strophe structure corresponds to the content of the speech: in vv 2–6 Zophar reproaches Job for his claim to innocence;...
by Paul Apple | May 19, 2022 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: DESPAIR OVER INABILITY TO RESOLVE UNDESERVED SUFFERING RAISES 3 TROUBLING FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONSINTRODUCTION:Elmer Smick: In these chapters Job’s words move from extolling God (9:1–13)—perhaps as a display of theological acumen to impress the counselors—to...
by Paul Apple | May 17, 2022 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: THE RIGID TRADITIONALIST REMAINS ROOTED IN RETRIBUTION THEOLOGYINTRODUCTION:Thomas Constable: Bildad agreed with Eliphaz that God was paying Job back for some sin he had committed, and he believed God would show Job mercy if he confessed that sin. However,...
by Paul Apple | May 16, 2022 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: JOB ATTACKS HIS COUNSELORS AND HIS GOD VIA LAMENTING AND COMPLAINING ABOUT HIS UNDESERVED SUFFERINGINTRODUCTION:David Clines: In form the speech as a whole belongs to the appeal (often called the lament). In chap. 7, which is directed solely toward God, it...
by Paul Apple | May 13, 2022 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: INSENSITIVE COUNSELORS WRONGLY APPLY THEIR LIMITED THEOLOGY IN HURTFUL WAYS (LIMITING GOD’S GOVERNANCE OF HIS UNIVERSE)INTRODUCTION:John Hartley: In the first cycle the friends clearly state their positions. Eliphaz posits that no human being is righteous...
by Paul Apple | May 11, 2022 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: WHEN TRANQUILITY ERUPTS INTO UNRELENTING TURMOIL OUR TROUBLED SPIRIT CAN STRENUOUSLY COMPLAININTRODUCTION:David Clines: In this speech we are suddenly plunged out of the epic grandeur and deliberateness of the prologue into the dramatic turmoil of the...
by Paul Apple | May 10, 2022 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: SATAN’S INTENSIFIED ATTACKS FAIL TO CAUSE JOB TO FAILINTRODUCTION:Robert Alden: They started as friends, but before the debates were over, Job used less-than-friendly words to describe them. Throughout this commentary these three will be called “friends”...
by Paul Apple | May 7, 2022 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: SEEMINGLY UNDESERVED DISASTERS TEST OUR SPIRITUAL FOUNDATIONINTRODUCTION:Tremper Longman: The news Job had just heard was devastating. His wealth and his children were gone. All he had left at this point were his wife and his health. His initial reaction...
by Paul Apple | May 6, 2022 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: THE REMOVAL OF PROSPERITY PUTS OUR DEVOTION TO GOD TO THE TEST –GOD ALLOWS SATAN TO TEST JOB’S MOTIVATION FOR WORSHIPINTRODUCTION:David Clines: Here we learn what Job never learns, that his suffering had a particular cause and that it subserved a...
by Paul Apple | May 5, 2022 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: THE HERO OF THE STORY IS INTRODUCED AS A GODLY MAN OF UNRIVALED INTEGRITY, WEALTH AND FAMILY BLESSINGINTRODUCTION:John MacArthur: Job himself is introduced as someone who has achieved the pinnacle of success in life. He is a man of integrity, “blameless and...